Soil Study Equipment

Edaphic Scientific Soil Oxygen Sensor

Ref: EDAP-MIJ-03
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  • Collections: Soil Study Equipment

    Vendor: Edaphic Scientific

    Shipping Weight: 9.5 oz

    The MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor is designed for long-term, monitoring of soil or sediment oxygen concentration. Each sensor is individually calibrated for maximum accuracy. Calibration is extremely easy and can be completed in ambient air.

    Maintenance of the MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor is minimal. Once the sensor is installed in the soil, there is no further maintenance. The life-time of the sensor is approximately 5 years when the electrochemical element of the sensor expires.

    The MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor has a voltage output that can be supported by any compatible data logging system. The Edaphic Scientific range of ES-SYS data logging systems, with internet access, can support the MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor. Or, our scientists and engineers can assist you in connecting the sensor to your existing system.

    The MIJ-03 is built from a polyoxymethylene (POM), a rigid thermoplastic, that provides long-term stability in harsh environmental conditions. The sensing apparatus is behind a Teflon hydrophobic, gas porous membrane, meaning the MIJ-03 can measure under saturated, flooded and anaerobic conditions. Rainfall and irrigation are no problems for the MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor.

    Measurement Principle

    The MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor is an electrochemical, or galvanic, style sensor. Similar to the operation of a battery, an electrochemical difference is created which is proportion to oxygen concentration. Oxygen molecules diffuse through the Teflon membrane, via gradients of diffusion, and interact with the electrolyte in the sensor's cell. An electrical charge is created between the anode and cathode of the cell. The greater the oxygen concentration, then the greater the electrical charge. The relationship between the oxygen concentration and the electrical charge is linear. A two-point calibration curve: ambient air (20.9%) and 0% oxygen. Fortunately, the MIJ-03 Soil Oxygen Sensor is extremely easy to calibrate: ambient air can be easily measured; and the 0% value is simply 0mV in the sensor. Therefore, the MIJ-03 sensor can be calibrated in ambient air.
