Tag Equipment & Supplies

B-Tools Aluminum Butt-End Bird Bands w/o Filling

Ref: NABA-1242-3x100
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  • Collections: Tag Equipment & Supplies

    Vendor: B•Tools

    Shipping Weight: 0.5 lb

    Receive a discount per volume. These bands are made of aluminum, whose edges are treated manually to achieve a completely soft and safe band for the bird. To choose the appropriate band for a bird you must take into account the widest measure of the tarsus in the position where the band would be, (take into account the height of the band) and increase to that measure 15.75% up to 12 mm diameter and 10.00% for tarshes of greater diameter. The band should not be too loose or tight or fair. The tolerance is +/- 0.010 "(0.0254 cm). All sizes are estimated. The accuracy is determined by the mark on the band.

    Following these recommendations, you will prevent the bird from being damaged by the band.

    Download the Size and Color Chart (PDF 112K Spanish; English) available for you to add the bands you require.

    100 bands come per package. You will have discount if you buy 500 or 1000 bands of the same diameter and characteristics. Federal size bands are more expensive due to their specific dimensions.

    When making the request, you must add if you want any color to the bands or other required features on the bands, including the desired mark and numbering. Indicate if you want color or without color (normal aluminum). Keep in mind the processing time. Federal Sizes has a  make ready charge of 24 USD per size selected included in the price.

    These bands are not for hummingbirds. Hummingbird banders are an elite group. Only about 150 people into the USA. They are only allowed to band after completing a rigorous training. Unlike other bird bands, those made for hummingbirds are cut and sized by the same banding. The banders are also expected to follow a code of ethics.

    Federal Size

    Standard Size